Solving problems across industries

Click-through rate

Based on the search term, knowledge of this user (IPAddress), and the Webpage about to be served, what is the probability that each of the 30 candidate ads in an ad campaign would be clicked if placed in the right-hand panel. Logistic regression with billions of training observations. Each ad exchange does this, then bids on their top candidates, and if they win, serve the ad — all within 10ms!

Recommender systems

Amazon online store, online DVD rentals, Kindle books, ... Based on my past experiences, and those of others like me, what else would I chose?


Adverse drug interactions. US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) requires physicians to send in adverse drug reports, along with other patient information, including disease status and outcomes. Massive and messy data. Using natural language processing, Stanford BMI researchers (Altman lab) found drug interactions associated with good and bad outcomes.

Few of the industries we work upon

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