Analytiq can help you make intelligent decisions faster
Analytiq can use your data to drive insights and decisions – now
Analytiq can develop AI driven systems & give you an advantage – quickly
Analytiq can analyze your datasets and identify errors and outliers – now
How it works
Leverage existing technology/expertise/resources at clients’ location. Use standards such as CRISP-DM, PMML and open software including R, Knime and Tensor flow.
- Standards
- Open Tools
- Technologies
Make AI work for you
Problem solving approach
Our unique approach for solving business problems draws upon our years of expertise in ingesting, normalizing and curating huge quantities of streaming and static data in real-time, utilizing edge-analytics for optimal response time. State of art technology solutions are built with the highest performing open-source components, enhanced for manageability, stability and performance and integrated into one hardened platform.
Get our exclusive 7 step guide to make your Artificial Intelligence Project Success
Get our exclusive 7 step guide to make your Artificial Intelligence Project Success, get our exclusive 7 step guide to make your Artificial Intelligence Project Success
AI and Machine Learning techniques
Here is an interesting article about various usage of the AI and Machine Learning techniques in several of popular E-Commerce sites. If you run an e-commerce business, AnalytiQ can help you build learning solution specific to your business adding value to your business and better experience to your clients.
How businesses are using AI
A survey of more than 3,000 executives sheds light on how businesses are using AI, offering lessons for CEOs. A key finding is that you don’t have to go alone - partner for both capacity and capability. AnalytiQ can help you focus on proven technology solutions and scale them across the organization to drive meaningful bottom-line values.
Getting the right data
Data science is the easy part. Getting the right data, and getting the data ready for analyses, is much more difficult. AnalytiQ is in the best place to help build efficient data pipelines to effectively utilize advanced analytics and ensure best ROI on your modeling dollars.